Researching Funders

Researching potential funders to understand their funding priorities, guidelines, and application processes can significantly increase the chances of securing grants and developing successful long-term relationships with funders. We offer two levels of learning on this subject.

Starting out with our Introduction to Grantseeking Programme

For those who are new to grantseeking we recommend the three online learning pods: Understanding Grantmakers, Setting Research Aims and Mastering the Research Tools, in the Introduction to Grantseeking Programme. These are 90-minute interactive online workshops which run three times in 2024- it costs £59 to join one of these sessions.

With these three pods, you will identify unique characteristics of grantmakers as well how to develop an effective strategy and toolkit for researching them.

To book or find out more please click on an icon below:

Enriching Your Skills with our Skilled Grantseeker Programme

For those with existing experience with donor research, we recommend our Understanding the Audited Accounts of a UK Foundation Learning Cluster - this is part of the Skilled Grantseeker Programme. This is a series of four interactive workshops which run twice in 2024. This Cluster costs £199 - for all four online workshops.

This learning cluster will equip you to understand the complexities of a Foundation’s accounts and use this information to dramatically improve your chances of success.

To book or find out more please click on the icon below: